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Arrival of the cable car in Fregiusia (1,944 m), well-known winter destination for skiers who frequent the Jafferau ski area
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Signposts at the start of the old Decauville segment railway used to build the Rochemolles dam
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The Decauville, now a pedestrian and cycle dirt road, crosses the dense forest of the slopes of Mount Jafferau
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A mountain pasture where typical cheeses and butter are produced from the milk of cows that graze at high altitude
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New bridges cross streams and narrow valleys on the route to ancient Decauville
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The Decauville, now a pedestrian and cycle dirt road, crosses the dense forest of the slopes of Mount Jafferau
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At each crossroads there are indicator signs so as not to lose the direction to follow towards the Rochemolles dam
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As you go up, the woods thin out and the rocky walls that overlook the valley appear
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Lake produced by the dam (1,973 m) that collects the water that flows from the streams of the upper Rochemolles valley
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Lake produced by the dam (1,973 m) that collects the water that flows from the streams of the upper Rochemolles valley
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Fresh water in the refreshment area along the banks of the Rochemolles dam lake (1,973 m)
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Beyond the dam the woods give way to pastures
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Rochemolles torrent which gives its name to the valley before entering the dam basin
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Rochemolles torrent which gives its name to the valley before entering the dam basin
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The valley ends in a clearing used in the early 1900s for the extraction of material for the construction of the dam
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In the center of Grange du Fond there is the Scarfiotti refuge, a stop for hikers to taste typical dishes of local products
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The rugged rock walls that delimit the valley where the Scarfiotti refuge is located
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Rugged mountains outline the profile of the mountains above the Scarfiotti refuge
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Stone extraction quarries used in the early 1900s for the construction of the dam on the Rochemolles stream
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Stone extraction quarries used in the early 1900s for the construction of the dam on the Rochemolles stream
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The Rochemolles torrent begins its journey in the valley with the waterfalls that flow into the basin of the Scarfiotti refuge
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The Rochemolles torrent begins its journey in the valley with the waterfalls that flow into the basin of the Scarfiotti refuge
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The Rochemolles torrent begins its journey in the valley with the waterfalls that flow into the basin of the Scarfiotti refuge
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From the Sommeiller (3,009 m) hikers, not only on foot or by bicycle, return to the Scarfiotti refuge (2,165 m)
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From the Sommeiller (3,009 m) hikers, not only on foot or by bicycle, return to the Scarfiotti refuge (2,165 m)
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Scarfiotti refuge (2,165 m), Grange du Fond plateau on the Bardonecchia road (1,312 m) - Sommeiller pass (3,009 m)
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Small lake on the Grange du Fond plateau in front of the Scarfiotti refuge (2,165 m).
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Small lake on the Grange du Fond plateau in front of the Scarfiotti refuge (2,165 m).
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Pastures on the slopes surrounding the Grange du Fond plateau where the Scarfiotti refuge is located (2,165 m).
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Pastures on the slopes surrounding the Grange du Fond plateau where the Scarfiotti refuge is located (2,165 m).
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On the return path towards the lake of the Rochemolles dam
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On the return path towards the lake of the Rochemolles dam
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Bardonecchia can be seen just far away at the bottom of the Rochemolles valley
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The excursion route
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